1KSM = 1DAO: How to create your Community at Kreivo
Creating a DAO is usually a not so straightforward process, until now. In this article, you'll learn how to create a community in Kreivo.
Guía definitiva Blockchain: definición, funcionamiento y aplicaciones
¿Oíste hablar de Blockchain pero no sabes qué es? Descifra esta tecnología y cómo revoluciona finanzas, seguridad y ciclos productivos. ¡Sigue Leyendo!
Payments Pallet: Connecting dots to the real world
With the support of the Web3 Foundation Virto brings secure reversible payments to the Polkadot ecosystem
Virto: De-Commerce Solution for Everyone
Welcome to Virto Network, a decentralized infrastructure for marketplaces that make a difference.